Termites anywhere around your home can be a disaster, but if they are eating away at your wood siding, it can be an expensive repair to have to make. This is especially true if you have to replace your wood siding and can't find replacement pieces that match your existing siding. If termites have appeared because your wood is rotting, you already have a problem, but the termites are just making it much worse. Termites will eat any wood that is rotting, so if you have rotting wood around your home, there's a possibility that you could end up with termites. If you do have them, read on for what can be done to get rid of them.
Repair Your Wood
Repair the wood on your siding and replace it with new boards that aren't rotting. If you have a lot of rotting wood, you should probably replace all of it in an effort to get rid of these pests. If you don't replace the rotting wood, you could end up with these pests again at some point in time. You're going to need to replace or repair your wood siding. Also, be sure to check the wood behind your siding as well. If you have rotting wood behind your siding, you're going to need to repair or replace this as well. It's possible that you have had water damage at some point in time, which should also be addressed to prevent a future pest problem.
Call A Pest Control Specialist
Hiring a pest control company to help you get rid of these pests is important. Termites are tricky pests and they can be difficult to get rid of. They can also have quite a large colony, and they can lay a lot of eggs, which means you could have hundreds or thousands of termites in or around your home causing destruction in their wake. Hiring a pest control company that has the know-how will help you get rid of these pests, and can also prevent them from returning. A pest control company can also offer suggestions to prevent a future problem as well, in addition to helping you spot the signs of a termite issue.
If you have termites eating your wood siding, you should leave it to the pros to help you get rid of them. Call a pest control company for termite control services to free your home of these pests.