Living In Termite Country? Effective Termite Control Actions For Protecting The Value Of Your Home

While termites are a determined pest that can damage homes and other structures across much of North America, they can be particularly aggressive in areas where weather and humidity levels make it easy for them to reproduce rapidly and build large colonies. Homeowners who live in these areas are much more likely to experience a termite infestation than those who live in climates that offer less favorable conditions for these pests to flourish. While it is impossible to prevent all termite infestations, homeowners who take the following actions can reduce their risk and offer better protection for the value of their homes.

Ensure that termites have little access to food sources

When termites are looking for a location suitable for the establishment of a colony, they look for sites where food is readily available. Homes with a good supply of wood fibers in close proximity to the exterior walls of the structure are particularly attractive to termites. These voracious consumers of decaying wood fibers are drawn to houses where piles of leaves and brush, stacks of lumber, or ranks of firewood are easily accessible. Homeowners who want to reduce their risk of a termite infestation should examine their property for these potential food sources and move any they find well away from structures.

Utilize landscaping that deters termite activity

Landscaping choices can also be a factor in how attractive a home is to termites looking for a place to build a colony. The use of some types of wood mulches and wooden timbers or railroad ties near the home are some common examples of landscaping choices that can make a home more attractive to termites. Homeowners can help to lessen the risk of termites by choosing to remove mulch and replace wood landscaping materials with other less attractive materials. 

Work with a professional to develop an optimal termite control strategy 

One of the most important actions homeowners can take to reduce their risk of attracting termites when living in a termite-prone area is to work with a professional to develop a termite control strategy optimized for their location and other risk factors. Termite control experts have an arsenal of tools that can be used to effectively reduce the risk of a termite infestation. In addition to periodic applications of termite control chemicals, these experts can also offer powerful baiting products that help to direct any termite activity to a location well away from the perimeter of the home. 

Termites are a destructive enemy to the value of your home. To learn more about developing termite control strategies, contact a termite service provider in your area. 

435 Words

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The Little Critters You Don't Like Can you sit down and make a list of critters you don't like? Chances are, most of the critters on your list will be household pests. You might list cockroaches, ants, spiders, mice, and rats. Maybe you also mention termites, which are not very creepy, but can absolutely destroy your home. Coming into contact with any of these critters can be disheartening, but pest control companies are there to help. Learn more about this industry and how pest control professionals work right here on this website. We know spiders and ants can be creepy, and we want to give you the information necessary to keep them away.



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