Armadillos may be fascinating creatures, but they can wreak havoc in your yard or garden. If you're dealing with an armadillo problem and looking for an effective solution, using a trap can be a humane and efficient method to catch and remove these critters. This blog post will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to catch an armadillo with a trap, ensuring the safety of both the animal and your property.
Step 1: Choose the Right Trap
Selecting the right trap is crucial for successfully catching an armadillo. Look for a live trap specifically designed for medium-sized animals. Ensure that the trap is sturdy and made of materials like galvanized steel to withstand the armadillo's digging abilities.
Step 2: Determine the Best Location
Identifying the best location to place the trap is key to increasing your chances of capturing an armadillo. Observe the armadillo's activity patterns, such as areas it frequently visits or the burrows it uses for shelter. These areas are ideal spots to set up the trap. Additionally, consider placing the trap near fences or walls, as armadillos tend to follow these structures while foraging.
Step 3: Set Up the Trap
Before setting up the trap, ensure that it is clean and free from any odors that might deter the armadillo. Place the trap on a flat and stable surface, ensuring it won't tip over during the capture process. Open the trap door and secure it with a latch or rope to prevent accidental closure while setting up the bait.
Step 4: Bait the Trap
The right bait significantly increases your chances of attracting the armadillo into the trap. Armadillos have a strong sense of smell, so choose strong-smelling baits like overripe fruit, mealworms, or earthworms. Place the bait at the far end of the trap, ensuring it is positioned in the middle rather than close to the sides. This will force the armadillo to step on the trigger plate, activating the trap door.
Step 5: Monitor and Check the Trap
Once the trap is set up, monitor it frequently to check for any captured armadillos. Armadillos are primarily active at night, so it's best to check the trap in the early morning. Remember that it is essential to release any non-target animals safely and unharmed.
Step 6: Release the Armadillo
When you successfully capture an armadillo, it's crucial to release it in a suitable environment away from your property. Choose a location with ample vegetation and water sources, ensuring it is far enough from human habitation. Follow local regulations and guidelines for releasing wildlife and ensure the armadillo has a good chance of survival in its new habitat.
Contact a local service, such as The Armadillo Trap LLC, to learn more about this process.